Using Faculty Portfolios in a Faculty Inquiry Group

January 11, 2009

Faculty Inquiry at Cerritos College (Frank Mixson and Jan Connal)

As part of the Cerritos College Faculty Inquiry project (SPECC), participating faculty began a process of thinking deeply about their teaching practices within a selected developmental class. Throughout the semester, participating faculty researchers were mentored in a sequence of guided reflections by faculty outside their disciplines and experienced with SoTL. The mentors assisted the faculty researchers in both thinking through the process and articulating their thoughts in writing. The mentors worked in pairs, each pair being assigned either the math faculty researchers or the English faculty researchers. The guided reflections addressed faculty interpretation and understanding about the:

  • Description of Course, including a description of prerequisite knowledge, course content, students, and their satisfaction and frustration with the selected developmental course;
  • Teaching Methods, including a description of their class organization, assessments, assignments, and intended outcomes;
  • Analysis of Student Learning, including examples and their analysis of three levels of student performance; and
  • Planned Changes, including a description of what the faculty member plans to do differently as a result of their analysis of student performance.

Responses to each faculty researcher’s reflections were posted to an electronic portfolio. Faculty reflections and responses are available here.

Developing Questions, Faculty Inquiry Groups (FIGs), Faculty Portfolios Comments Off

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